Destiny or Irony?
On October 11, 2006, a plane crashed into an apartment building in New York City. The Yankees pitcher Cory Lidle and his flight instructor, Tyler Stanger, died in the accident. Prior to the accident, Stanger invited his friend, Bob Cartwright to attend a baseball playoff game, but his schedule did not allow it. "I was supposed to be on that plane," Cartwright told friends at the time of the crash.
On November 14, 2006, a plane crashed into the shoreline of Big Bear Lake, near Cartwright's mountain home in Sugarloaf, Calif. Cartwright and two others died in this accident.
Isn't it ironic that a man who avoided one plane crash died in another? Or was it simply an attempt to elude his destiny? If a pyschic or tarot card reader had advised him of his pending doom (and he believed their prediction), he would have avoided planes. Instead, he continued to fly, thereby defeating the hypothesis that a seer provided due warning. Through unlucky coincidence, he simply met death in the same way as previously possible. Poor guy.